import argparse import json import subprocess from enum import Enum from itertools import chain from string import Template from io import StringIO from amaranth import Elaboratable from amaranth.back import rtlil from tabulate import tabulate from .top import Top class RunnerError(Exception): pass STAT_CALC = """ ${quiet} submod -name ALU top/alu.* ${quiet} submod -name UCodeROM top/control.ucoderom.* ${quiet} submod -name Control top/control.* ${quiet} submod -name DataPath top/datapath.* ${quiet} submod -name Decode top/decode.* stat -json """ class ScriptType(Enum): # From nextpnr-generic. This is basically an upper bound on resource-usage. # However, it's limited to FFs and LUTs only (no memories). GENERIC = Template(""" ${quiet} read_ilang << rtlil ${rtlil_text} rtlil ${quiet} hierarchy -check ${quiet} proc ${quiet} flatten ${quiet} tribuf -logic ${quiet} deminout ${quiet} synth -run coarse ${quiet} memory_map ${quiet} opt -full ${quiet} techmap -map +/techmap.v ${quiet} opt -fast ${quiet} dfflegalize -cell $$_DFF_P_ 0 ${quiet} abc -lut 4 -dress ${quiet} clean -purge """ + STAT_CALC) # Yosys' internal cell libraries. SYNTH = Template(""" ${quiet} read_ilang << rtlil ${rtlil_text} rtlil ${quiet} synth -lut 4 """ + STAT_CALC) ICE40 = Template(""" ${quiet} read_ilang << rtlil ${rtlil_text} rtlil ${quiet} synth_ice40 """ + STAT_CALC) ECP5 = Template(""" ${quiet} read_ilang << rtlil ${rtlil_text} rtlil ${quiet} synth_lattice -family ecp5 """ + STAT_CALC) GOWIN = Template(""" ${quiet} read_ilang << rtlil ${rtlil_text} rtlil ${quiet} synth_gowin """ + STAT_CALC) XC7 = Template(""" ${quiet} read_ilang << rtlil ${rtlil_text} rtlil ${quiet} synth_xilinx """ + STAT_CALC) CYCLONE5 = Template(""" ${quiet} read_ilang << rtlil ${rtlil_text} rtlil ${quiet} synth_intel_alm """ + STAT_CALC) # TODO: verbose and def stats(m: Elaboratable, script: ScriptType | Template, debug=False): rtlil_text = rtlil.convert(m) if isinstance(script, ScriptType): script = script.value quiet = "" if debug else "tee -q" stdin = script.substitute(rtlil_text=rtlil_text, quiet=quiet) popen = subprocess.Popen(["yosys", "-Q", "-T", "-"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf-8") stdout, stderr = popen.communicate(stdin) if popen.returncode: raise RunnerError(stderr.strip()) if not debug: # Find the start of the JSON from the stats command. for i, l in enumerate(StringIO(stdout).readlines()): if l[0] == "{": break # Restart read since we can't really put back a line... stdout = StringIO(stdout) stdout.readlines(i) # Drain non-JSON lines. return stdout else: return stdout def mk_table(st): def mk_table_rows(): rows = [] for m in mods: row = [m] for c in cells: num = st["modules"][m]["num_cells_by_type"].get(c) row.append(num if num else 0) rows.append(row) return rows unique_cells = set(chain.from_iterable(st["modules"][d] ["num_cells_by_type"] for d in st["modules"])) mods = [] cells = [] for c in sorted(unique_cells): if st["modules"].get("\\" + c): mods.append("\\" + c) else: cells.append(c) for m in st["modules"]: if m not in mods: mods.append(m) rows = mk_table_rows() design = ["Design"] design.extend([st["design"]["num_cells_by_type"][c] for c in cells]) rows.append(design) hdr = ["Module"] hdr.extend(cells) return tabulate(rows, headers=hdr) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Sentinel size benchmarker") parser.add_argument("-d", action="store_true", help="debug mode (print yosys stdout)") parser.add_argument("-s", choices=ScriptType, default=ScriptType.ICE40, help="toolchain script to run") parser.add_argument("-j", choices=ScriptType, help="emit JSON instead of a table") args = parser.parse_args() stdout = stats(Top(), args.s, debug=args.d) if args.d or args.j: print(stdout) else: print(mk_table(json.load(stdout)))